Transfer Admissions
Transfer easily to Coppin State University from the Community College of Baltimore County!
Degrees to Succeed
Coppin State University (CSU) and the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) has partnered together to offer CCBC students a seamless and efficient pathway toward earning a bachelor’s degree through the Degrees to Succeed transfer program.
The Degrees to Succeed program will allow CCBC students to benefit from two institutions. While enrolled at the Community College of Baltimore County, CCBC students will receive the following benefits at Coppin State University:
- CSU campus ID card, which will allow students to attend select CSU events and activities.
- Co-advising with CSU Advisors to ensure your CCBC courses align with your chosen CSU Academic program.
- Application fee waiver with the option to receive a one-time $1000 CCBC scholarship with opportunities to apply for additional transfer scholars.
To be eligible for the Degrees to Succeed Transfer Program you must meet the following criteria:
- Be enrolled in an Associate of Arts (A.A.) or Associate of Science (A.S.) degree program.
- Earned no more than 45 college credits (this includes college credit completed outside of CCBC).
- Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater for credits completed at CCBC.

Baltimore City Community College Graduates Can Attend Coppin Tuition Free for Two Years
Coppin State University (CSU) has partnered with Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) to offer two years of tuition-free* enrollment at CSU to graduates of BCCC.