Center for Organic Synthesis
Speak to
Hany F. Sobhi
Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Science & Technology Center 2nd Floor, Rooms 245 & 244b
(410) 951-2623

- Dr. Arturo Casadevall, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Rada Cordero, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Livia Cristina Liporagi Lopes, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Alberto Martinez, Department of Chemistry, NYC College of Technology (CUNY, NY)
- Dr. Sean Adams, AR Children’s Nutrition Center (Little rock, AR)
- Dr. Kelly Mercer, AR Children’s Nutrition Center (Little rock, AR)
- Dr. Lee J. Silverberg, Penn State Schuylkill (Schuylkill, PA)
- Dr. Joseph Nuth, I- NASA – GSFC- NAI (Goddard, MD)
- Dr. Natasha Johnson, I- NASA – GSFC- NAI (Goddard, MD)
- Dr. Vincinet Njar, University of Maryland School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. David Weber, University of Maryland School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Cherif Boutros, University of Maryland School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Michaeal Zagg, University of Alberta School of Medicine (Alberta, Canada)
- Dr. Meghan R. Johnston, Manhattanville College (Purchase, NY)
- Dr. Helene Lemieux, University of Alberta School of Medicine (Alberta, Canada)
- Dr. Timothy Hottel IX, University of Tennessee, School of Dentistry (Memphis, TN
- Dr. Chris Ivanoff, University of Tennessee, School of Dentistry (Memphis, TN)
- Dr. Charles Hoppel, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (Cleveland, OH)
- Dr. Alan Riga, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (Cleveland, OH)
- Dr. James Hill, International Space University (France)
- Dr. Rabih Jabbour, APG (Aberdeen Proofing Ground) Chemical Biology research lab (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Mary Wade, APG (Aberdeen Proofing Ground) Chemical Biology research lab (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Fred Nesbitt, Coppin State University (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Tulio Chavez-Gil, Coppin State University (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Jamal Uddin, Coppin State University, Center for Nanotechnology (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Mintesiont Jiru, Coppin State University, (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. William Ghann, Coppin State University, Center for Nanotechnology (Baltimore, MD)
- Dr. Hyeonggon Kang, Coppin State University, Center for Nanotechnology (Baltimore, MD)