Roommates and Suitemates

At Coppin, we work to make sure every student feels part of our Coppin family. This experience is even more meaningful for students living on campus. In our residence halls, students come together as roommates and suitemates where you live, study, and work together. Sometimes, this can lead to conflicts.

Transitioning to on-campus life can feel overwhelming, especially if this is your first time living away from home. Remember, you are not here alone. Your hall has a Resident Hall Manager (RHM) and Resident Assistants (RAs) always available to listen, help, and support you. Be sure to learn their names and faces.

Roommate Requests

We make every attempt to honor your roommate request. For freshmen, when you complete your application, be sure to provide the first and last name of your desired roommate. You and your desired roommate must do this on your separate housing applications. Both students must be admitted to Coppin.

When will I know my building and roommate(s)?

Depending on the demand for campus housing, students who have submitted a completed housing application typically get building assignment and roommate information by email in early summer. We email your preferred email with your assigned building, roommates' name and contact information.

Roommate and Suitemate Agreement

For some students, this may be your first time living away from home, or living with a roommate or suitemates. This can feel like a big change, and can take some time getting used to living with someone new. Within the first 2 weeks of school, every resident must complete a roommate and suitemate agreement. Signing these agreements means you and your roommates and suitemates are willing to work together with an RA to open communication, and then identify and resolve problems. They also serve as an important reference to start difficult conversations. While we hope you and your roommates become lifelong friends, we hope at minimum, you can learn to live together in a civil environment as you pursue your unique interests.

Community Standards

As a resident of Coppin State University, you have certain rights and responsibilities. These policies are in place for everyone’s safety, security, and wellbeing and must be upheld at all times.

Sometimes living with new people can create conflicts. Your RHM and RAs are excellent resources to approach for help before and when these conflicts arise. We encourage you to seek help for any issues that may arise, and to voice any issues or concerns before they get worse. Letting issues linger can often escalate a situation that could have been handled with open and honest communication.

We encourage you to practice healthy and open dialogue with your roommates and suitemates, and to involve your RAs and/or RHM when problems arise.

Not sure how to approach resolving a conflict? Check out this handy guide to conflict resolution.