Atma R. Sahu PhD
3rd Floor, Room 307
2500 W North Ave
Baltimore, MD 21216
Dr. Atma Sahu has served for over 30 years at Coppin State University (CSU) in a wide range of positions, including mathematics faculty, applied math researcher, team leader, mathematics and computer science department chairperson, and liaison to K-12 mathematics education. Currently serving as Professor and Chair of the Mathematics and Computer Science department at Coppin State University, Baltimore MD. He has been consistently instrumental in developing the vision for the department’s curriculum, pedagogical, and curricula changes both face-to-face and Quality Matters Based Online. He has taught effectively courses ranging from college algebra to Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, on-ground as well as online. Dr. Sahu has been influential in working collaboratively with colleagues in activities related to Science, Technologies, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) research, grant writing, and serving on grant proposal review panels of federal agencies in the United States. He has published numerous research papers in US domestic and international refereed journals in his areas of expertise. He continuously has inspired doctoral research students by serving on their doctoral research committees as well as serving as a Ph.D. dissertation examiner. He has delivered numerous research papers-presentations and has delivered keynote addresses in numerous domestic and international professional meetings. In addition to serving as Chair of the Curriculum, Standards, and Policy Committee, Dr. Sahu also serves the Division of Academic Affairs, College, and the Department at CSU on multiple broader service committees, including chairing the curriculum and standards university committee, chairing the faculty Recognition Committee, Faculty appeals committee, and Students Scholarships committees are just a few. In grants and projects, Dr. Sahu has worked with numerous research co-workers in the USA as well as in India. Dr. Sahu successfully wrote NSF-DST supported workshop grant to increase multi-faculty research capacity involving international collaboration on Elastic Vibrations, Smart Structures, and Their Solution Technologies, and hosted jointly by IIT Roorkee (University of Roorkee). He has also been awarded a $300,000.00 NSA Cybersecurity Engineering capacity-building grant as a Co-PI. Dr. Sahu's excellence in project management and leading organizations and teams has no borders. Also, Dr. Sahu is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Fuzzy Computation and Modelling, and an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Engineering, Applied Sciences, and Management. Dr. Sahu has earned the 2022 Excellence in teaching faculty award and in 2021 Excellence in Mathematics Research faculty award, from Coppin State University. He served as a university nominee on MHEC advisory council. Currently, he is one of the board of directors of the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Foundation, Inc., based in VA, USA.
a) Applied Mathematics Refereed Publications
1. Sahu Atma et al (2022); AI-Based Recipient Blood Type Matching Blood Transfusion Medical Device Design System, accepted for publication and presented in IEEE ISEC'22 conference.
2. Bodempudi, S.T., Sharma, S, Sahu, A, Agrawal, R. (2019), "Human-Centric Situational Awareness and Big Data Visualization", Proceeding of ISCA 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2019) in San Diego, CA, USA, vol 64, pages 51--60, 2019. https://easychair.org/publications/paper/kwnj
3. Kumar A., Goel P., Garg D., Sahu A. (2018) System Behavior Analysis in the Urea Fertilizer Industry. In: Panda B., Sharma S., Roy N. (eds) Data Science and Analytics. REDSET 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 799, p3-16. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8527-7_1; Print ISBN 978-981-10-8526-0. Also appears in Proceedings International Conf. on Recent trends in OR and Statistics, December 28-30, 2017 IIT Roorkee, India, Springers publications, New Delhi.
4. Sarita Devi, Atma Sahu, Deepika Garg (Oct 12-14, 2017); Redundancy optimization problem via comparative analysis of H-PSOCOGA. IEEE International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies for Smart Nation-IC3TSN 2017, pp 18-23, 978-1-5386-0627-8/17; 2017 IEEE Publication. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8284443
5. Rajeev Sarika, Sharad Sharma, and Atma Sahu (October 2-4, 2017), Game Theme Based Instructional Module to Teach Binary Trees Data Structure, 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering; Hilton San Diego / Harbor Island, San Diego, California; 978-1-943436-09-5 / copyright ISCA, SEDE 2017, International Society for Computers and their Applications, Proceedings is indexed in Scopus, EI, INSPEC, and DBLP for indexing.
6. Sahu A., Chakravarty S. (2016) Regression-Based Neural Network Simulation for Vibration Frequencies of the Rotating Blade. Modern Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing in Science and Technology, pp 17-24, PROMS, volume 171, 07 August 2016. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-10-1454-3_2. Also published in the Proceedings Paper ID : M074;
7. Atma Sahu (2001): Theoretical Frequency Equation of Bending Vibrations of an Exponentially Tapered Beam Under Rotation. Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 7 . Also, published in ICES’97 proceedings: Advances in Computational Engineering Science, Atluri Satya, &Yagawa Genki (Editors). Tech. Science Press pp. 70-78; ISBN: 0 96 570001 0 0. (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/107754630100700601) Note: Some more publications are listed in Curriculum Vitae.
b) Refereed Publications in Mathematics Education
8. Sahu Atma et al (2022); A Personality Types Research Study Based on Personal Values in an Ethics Course for the Engineering and Computer Sc. Undergraduates, accepted for publication and presented in IEEE ISEC'22 conference, #1570785195.
9. Atma Sahu (2012); Effectiveness of Technologies Interventions on Learning Outcomes of Online-College Algebra Students. E-Leader Conference, January 2-4, Manila, Philippines (October 17, 2012, the US Library of Congress approved ISSN 1935-4800); https://www.g-casa.com/conferences/manila/papers/Sahu.pdf
10. Atma Ram Sahu (1985); An Introduction of Microteaching: A Systems Approach; International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp.25-31.
11. Atma Ram Sahu (1984); Microteaching: Some research Studies and Research Questions; International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp.727-735.
12. Atma Ram Sahu (1983); On Some Educational and Psychological Aspects of Problem Solving. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp.555-563.
Chairman Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Ph. D. Applied Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology (Univ of Roorkee), 1973, India. Dissertation Topic: On Some Vibrations Problems of Rotating and Pre-twisted Elastic Beams.
- Ph. D. Mathematics Ed, GPA 3.87/ 4.0, University of Maryland College Park, 1984, USA.
- M. S. Applied Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology (Univ of Roorkee), 1971, India.
- B. S, Mathematics, Chemistry & Physics, Meerut University, India, 1969.
- CSMN Computer Systems Management, Graduate Certificate, University of MD Global Campus (formerly UMUC), GPA 3.5/4.0, 1999
- MIT Cybersecurity Certificate, April 2021
- HARVARD Designing and Implementing AI Solutions for Health Care Certificate (June 24, 2021)
IEEE Senior Member
Holds membership in several other professional societies
Applied Mathematics --Vibrations of elastic beams (Turbine Blades), Computational mathematics, and Mathematical modeling; and Mathematics Education—Microteaching, Pre-service and In-service STEM teacher training, Teacher Education, Problem-solving, Systems approach based educational research methods, and Online curriculum and instructional design in STEM areas. Computer Science: Cybersecurity Engineering Program Design and AI/ML advance applications Own over 30 years of professional, technical, and executive hands own experience in leading strategic change.
2022 Excellence in Mathematics Teaching faculty award, Coppin State University 2021 Excellence in Mathematics Research faculty award, Coppin State University 2020 NSA Cybersecurity Engineering Capacity Building grant award as a PI ($300,000) 2020, June 8-11: Online Learning Design Camp, Certificate of Completion-digital badge 2020, June 24: Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator 2020 July 7-21, Applying the QM Rubric (USM sponsored) Certificate 2019 Summer: Army Research Lab, Aerosol Research Faculty Fellow, USA 1998 – 2000 Summer; HBCU/MIE Faculty Fellow, Department of Defense, USA. 2006, May 25, Outstanding Leadership in Technology and Learning faculty award, Coppin State Univ. Multiple Years: Quality Matters/Sloan-C online /University of Phoenix online faculty certifications awards
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