Minor in Management Information Systems
The objective of a minor in Management Information Systems (MIS) is to provide students with MIS knowledge and skills to supplement their majors or pursue alternative careers in MIS.
To graduate with a minor in MIS, a minimum of 18 credit hours are required with at least a grade of "C" in each course
You can choose to minor or major in Management Information Systems.
Minor Requirements for College of Business Students
Students within the College of Business are required to complete at least 6 MISY courses (18 credit hours). Students may use no more than two courses to satisfy the requirements of both a minor and a major program.
Remember, you must complete all prerequisite and minor courses with a grade of C or higher.
Minor Requirements for Non-College of Business Students
Non-College of Business Students are required to complete:
- ECON 103, Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurial Economics,
- MISY 150 Technology Fluency,
- MISY 341, Small Systems Software, and
- 9 credits of any other MISY courses to complete the minor in MIS

750+ Courses
Check out our extensive Academic Catalog. It's full of skill-building courses that inspire and prepare you to be in-demand professionals and transformational leaders.
Management Information Systems is within the Department of Accounting, Data Science, and Management Information Systems in the College of Business.